Nurture Your Soul: 30 Self-Love Journaling Prompts for Personal Growth

The one thing I see consistently with the women I work with is that they are constantly giving to others and hardly ever focusing on their own needs….er go, these self-love journaling prompts 😁 Because you deserve love, darnit! 🫶

What is self-love?

Self-love is the act of valuing, caring for, and accepting yourself, without judgment or criticism (read that last part again!! 👀).  Self-love involves cultivating a positive relationship with yourself and recognizing your own inherent worth, strengths, and flaws. Self-love involves prioritizing your well-being, needs, and happiness, setting healthy boundaries, and engaging in self-care practices that nurture you.

Does journaling help cultivate self-love?

Journaling is an important tool for personal growth and self-reflection so yes, journaling can be a powerful tool to help with self-love. And before you start sighing and rolling your eyes (trust me, I still think journaling sucks sometimes), let’s review WHY journaling can be so beneficial:

  • It helps you clarify your thoughts and feelings: Writing down your thoughts and feelings helps to organize and clarify them. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your experiences.
  • It promotes self-awareness: By regularly reflecting on your experiences, you become more aware of your patterns of behavior and thought. This increased self-awareness can help you make positive changes in your life.
  • It helps you process emotions: Writing can be a powerful way to process difficult emotions, such as grief, anger, and anxiety. By putting your emotions into words, you can better understand them and work through them.
  • It reduces stress: Journaling can be a form of stress relief. By writing about your stressors, you can release some of the tension they create and feel a sense of catharsis.

In addition, journaling can provide a safe and non-judgmental space for you to express your emotions, process difficult experiences, and explore your innermost desires and aspirations. By connecting with your own inner voice and honoring your own needs and desires through journaling, you can cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and self-compassion.

self love journaling prompts

“But, I don’t have time to journal, let alone to do self-love journaling prompts…

Don’t get me wrong…I don’t always want to journal and sometimes, my brain adamantly refuses to journal (which tells me that I really need to).  Hell, before I created the journaling habit, I would have chosen to anything over journaling, and I mean ANYTHING!!!  I avoided it like the plague because…well, feelings = bleck 🤮!  I was convinced that if I actually wrote about my thoughts, that I would have to feel them.  “No thanks, I’ll keep them all balled up inside where I can’t experience them at all…”


Turns out I WAS experiencing the feelings whether I wanted to write them down or not.  They impacted my sleep, my mood, my patience with my children, dog, husband and that idiot that pulled out in front of me…😡🤬😤

Do you know what happened when I started to write down my feelings?  Hold on to your horses (does anyone even say that anymore 🤔?) because this will blow your mind: 



So why do I think you should journal?  BECAUSE IT HELPS…and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time.  

Journaling when you have NO time

Listen, my clinical background will totally support you writing in a journal and spending 10-20 minutes a day writing to really clear your mind and focus on how your thoughts are impacting you…but let’s be real.  We barely have 5 minutes to ourselves…hell, I can’t even pee by myself, so when do you have time to spend that kind of time journaling?  

And if by some miracle you get that 10-20 minutes, I would choose finally eating lunch, scrolling through social media or ANYTHING else….ANYTHING!  

So, I say try it for a minute or two to create a habit…and write about things that you enjoy: Books you want to read or meals you are excited to try, etc.  You want your brain to WANT to do this…

Finding time for journaling can be challenging when you have a busy schedule. Here are eight tips for journaling when you have limited time:

  1. Make it a habit: Set a specific time each day for journaling, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Over time, it will become a habit and feel more natural.
  2. Keep it short: Instead of feeling like you need to write a lot, commit to writing just a sentence or two each day. Shorter entries are still valuable and can be a good way to stay consistent.
  3. Use prompts: Sometimes, it can be hard to know what to write about. Using the self-love journaling prompts below can help you quickly come up with ideas and get started.
  4. Use a journaling app: If you don’t have a physical journal with you, consider using a journaling app on your phone or computer. This can make it easier to journal on-the-go.

    So, I will admit that I type my journal a lot.  I actually have a locked document on my computer and I will use that journal.  If only I could somehow set it delete if anything happens to me 🤣 There is an app called PENZU that you can use on your phone or even the NOTES app or another app where you have access on multiple devices, like GoodNotes, Notability, OneNote

    You can also write with an Apple Pencil/Pen so you can still write, if you prefer that, but don’t want to lug a journal around with you.  
  5. Write during breaks: If you have a few minutes during your lunch break or while waiting for an appointment, use that time to quickly jot down some thoughts.

    Recently, I added journal pages into my weekly planner than I created through AGENDIO so I have a small space to add a journal writing because my planner is usually glued to my side.  
  6. Write before bed: Writing before bed can be a great way to unwind and reflect on your day. It can also help you sleep better.
  7. Use voice-to-text: If writing is not possible, consider using voice-to-text technology to quickly record your thoughts.
  8. Don’t worry about perfection: Remember that your journal is for you and doesn’t need to be perfect. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling – just write what’s on your mind.
self-love journaling prompts

Grab Your Pen…30 Self-Love Journaling Prompts to Get You Started

  1. What are three things you love about yourself, and why?
  2. How do you treat yourself when you make a mistake? Is this how you would treat a friend who made the same mistake?
  3. What does self-love mean to you?
  4. In what ways have you been too hard on yourself lately? How can you show yourself more kindness and compassion?
  5. What are some self-care activities you enjoy doing, and how can you prioritize them in your life?
  6. What limiting beliefs do you hold about yourself, and where did they come from?
  7. How can you celebrate your accomplishments and successes, no matter how small?
  8. What makes you feel most alive and energized?
  9. How can you create more space for joy and pleasure in your life?
  10. What do you need to forgive yourself for, and how can you work towards self-forgiveness?
  11. What are some affirmations or mantras you can say to yourself when you need a self-love boost?
  12. In what ways do you compare yourself to others? How can you shift your focus back to yourself and your own unique journey?
  13. What are some negative self-talk patterns you have noticed in yourself, and how can you replace them with positive self-talk?
  14. How can you set healthy boundaries with others and honor your own needs and desires?
  15. What do you value most about yourself, and how can you live in alignment with those values?
  16. How can you practice self-acceptance and embrace all parts of yourself, including your flaws and imperfections?
  17. What are some fears or insecurities you have about yourself, and how can you work towards healing them?
  18. What does your ideal self-care routine look like, and how can you incorporate it into your daily life?
  19. How can you practice mindfulness and be present in the moment, instead of getting caught up in worries about the future or regrets about the past?
  20. What are some creative outlets or hobbies that make you feel good about yourself, and how can you make time for them?
  21. How can you be more assertive in communicating your needs and wants to others?
  22. What are some things you’ve accomplished in your life that you are proud of, and how can you celebrate those accomplishments?
  23. How can you practice gratitude for yourself and all that you are?
  24. How can you cultivate a positive self-image and appreciate your unique beauty?
  25. In what ways do you practice self-care, and how can you expand your self-care practices?
  26. What are some self-limiting beliefs you have that are holding you back, and how can you challenge and overcome them?
  27. How can you cultivate more self-awareness and understand your own patterns and tendencies?
  28. What can you do to ensure you’re meeting your own needs and taking care of yourself, especially during busy or stressful times?
  29. How can you practice self-compassion and treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a dear friend?
  30. What are some ways you can prioritize your own happiness and well-being, and why is this important to you?